Best Executive Time Management Practice to Easily Increase 3x Work Efficiency
Best Executive Time Management Practice to Easily Increase 3x Work Efficiency
July 29, 2024

In the breakneck world of artificial intelligence, innovation alone isn't enough to stay ahead—it takes impeccable executive time management and strategic multitasking. Enter Liam Jiang, the visionary founder of iWeaver AI, who has not only navigated the turbulent waters of a rapidly evolving market but has steered his company to the vanguard of technological breakthroughs. In an exclusive interview, Liam peels back the curtain on his time management mastery, offering a glimpse into the tools, techniques, and mindset that have enabled him to juggle high-stakes projects with enviable efficiency.

1. Take Time as Your Most Precious Resource

"Time is everyone's most precious resource," Liam asserts, "and how we wield it shapes our destiny." This philosophy became his lifeline five years ago when iWeaver AI hit a growth spurt that threatened to drown him in a sea of endless tasks. "Every day felt like treading water," he recalls. "I was constantly moving, but getting nowhere fast."

After this prolonged bout with inefficiency and frustration, Liam embarked on a quest for solutions. He test-drove a gamut of executive time management methods—from GTD to the Eisenhower Matrix—before distilling his own simple, potent system tailored for knowledge workers and executives.

Transform from Overwhelmed to Overachieved

The results speak for themselves. Today, Liam not only steers his company through choppy waters with precision but also maintains a rich personal life. He travels frequently, exercises regularly, spends quality time with his children, codes, trains AI models, learns languages, devours books daily, and still logs a solid 7-8 hours of shut-eye each night. "At day's end, I'm fulfilled, not fried," he says with a smile.

2. Take Executive Time Management As Highway Analogies

So, what's his secret sauce? Liam breaks it down with a compelling analogy: life as a highway. "Why does the same car zip along the freeway but crawl on city streets?" he asks. "It's all about laser focus, a closed system, zero distractions."

He advocates switching between two modes:

  • The "highway state" for attacking important tasks with unwavering concentration
  • The "city street state" for managing life's inevitable chores

3. Three Core Principles for Productivity

Liam, as an an executive, his time management rests on three core principles:

  1. The focus period yields peak efficiency, akin to cruising down an open highway—clear goals, single tasks, no outside interference.
  2. Humans struggle with extended focus. Pushing beyond an hour often leads to diminishing returns and burnout.
  3. Active rest is crucial. Rather than letting fatigue snowball, taking preemptive breaks significantly reduces energy and attention drain.

4. Divide Time into Single-Core vs. Panoramic Parts

In practice, Liam's day is a carefully choreographed dance between "single-core" and "panoramic" time blocks. Single-core periods, typically 25 minutes, are sacrosanct—devoted entirely to one clear objective. "Don't scoff at these sprints," he warns. "You can hit a neighboring city in 30 minutes on the freeway, but you might barely cross town in an hour of city gridlock."

After each single-core block, Liam insists on active rest—5 to 15 minutes of low-mental-load activities. Then it's back to the grindstone or on to panoramic time for correspondence, reflection, and task prioritization.

5. Stay Focused

Liam leverages tech tools to get maximum efficiency and stays strict with environmental interruption controls. He believes that the environment is king during single-core time:

  • Notifications? Silenced.
  • Toolbars? Hidden.
  • Phone? Set it to polite "do not disturb."
Focus is important for time management

For content that threatens to derail his rhythm, Liam leverages iWeaver AI, his company's knowledge assistant, to summarize and store information for later deep dives.

6. Balance Family, Work, and Private Time

Even in the often chaotic realms of meetings and family life, Liam's strategies hold strong. He maximizes gaps between meetings, champions daily "no-interruption" zones within his team, and has mastered the art of gentle deflection when loved ones or colleagues encroach on his focus time.

  • Inform colleagues of your time management methods.
  • Politely communicate with colleagues/family about responding after single-core time ends.
  • If necessary, pause single-core time to address urgent matters and then resume.

7. Improve Executive Time Management as a Product

"I iterate on my system like I would a product," Liam explains. Regular reviews ensure his methods evolve alongside his changing circumstances.

Takeaways: Simplicity, Personalization, and Persistence

His parting wisdom? Start simple, personalize relentlessly, and remember: the best system is the one you'll actually use. "We should steward our time as meticulously as we do our wealth," Liam concludes. "By valuing every minute and implementing robust yet straightforward strategies, we can lead lives of extraordinary depth and richness."

In a world where time often feels like sand slipping through our fingers, Liam Jiang's insights offer a refreshing, actionable perspective. It's not about cramming more into each day—it's about doing what truly matters, efficiently and sustainably.

Free Efficiency Tool for Work
✅ YouTube summaries,
✅ AI mind maps,
✅ AI writing, reading,
✅ AI image recognition.