A: Amazon Prime Day 2024 is scheduled for October 8th and 9th, offering 48 hours of incredible deals exclusively for Prime members.
A: The event will be available to Prime members in 19 countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, the UK, the USA, and for the first time, Turkey.
A: Prime Big Deal Days is a similar event to Prime Day, focusing on seasonal must-haves with discounts of up to 40% on items like winter fashion, electronics, and Halloween costumes. It's designed to provide early access to holiday deals. Prime Day, on the other hand, is known for its summer sales and offers a wide range of discounts across various categories.
A: Just as with the summer savings event, October Prime Day is going to be marking down items in just about every product category that Amazon sells. As a kickoff to the full holiday shopping season, this sale will be setting the pace for the kinds of deep discounts we’ll be seeing come November during Black Friday and even into December. We are expecting that some of the deals will be focused on seasonal products for the fall and Halloween, in addition to holiday decor and supplies for winter.
A: Amazon said that during this event, Prime members can enjoy discounts of up to 40% on winter fashion, and enjoy discounts on Halloween costumes, electronic products and other products. During specific periods, Amazon will also launch new offers every 5 minutes, allowing members to shop early and discover new offers.Prime members enjoy early access to lightning deals, exclusive discounts, and the convenience of fast, free shipping. The savings during Prime Day can be substantial, making membership even more valuable.
A: Products featured during Prime Day can range from Amazon devices like Echo and Fire TV to external brands in categories such as home goods, fashion, toys, and more.
A: Amazon's standard return policy applies during Prime Day. Most new items can be returned within 30 days of receipt of shipment for a full refund. Some products have different policies or requirements associated with them.
A: You can stay updated on the latest deals by visiting the Prime Day event page on Amazon, following Amazon on social media, and signing up for Amazon's newsletter. Additionally, using the Amazon app, you can set up personalized deal notifications.
By being well-prepared and informed, customers can make the most out of their Amazon Prime Day shopping experience, ensuring they secure the best deals and enjoy a seamless shopping event.