Extract important clauses, key points, and concise insights
to help you understand the agreements without reading the entire document.
Simply paste the URL of the website or app's Terms of Service, or upload the document if you have the Terms of Service in a file format .
Our AI analyzes the entire TOS document, identifying critical sections, clauses, and legal terms.
Get a detailed yet concise summary with all the key points in just seconds.
You can upload any document format for analysis. Whether it's a PDF, Word document (DOCX), or even plain text files, our analyzer supports all formats seamlessly. Just upload your document and let the AI do the work!
You don’t need an account to get started. Simply click on the "Use Now" button, and you can begin using the tool right away. For an enhanced experience and access to additional features, you can register and log in at any time.
Yes, you can enjoy a free trial of the service! For even more advanced features and faster processing, we offer premium plans. Upgrading allows you to get a range of enhanced services, giving you even more value.